ON THE RAW-DIET Doomer-argument: DO NOT WORRY AT ALL about your diet - by Fabijenna
"Do not worry, just eat what you want, eat raw food, it's all raw, a thousand times better than cooked food, so it does not matter what you eat and how you eat."
"Raw food is not complicated, you do not have to worry about nutrients, protein, omega, supplements, you did not make that on boiled food!"
Sounds logical - or not?
But: it is not so banal.
Because a raw diet is more than just a fairy godmother who just makes us a bit healthier while eating, in the background, while we continue doing everything the same way we did before.
Like any true healing, it requires our attention and awareness. And this happens when our raw food makes us sensitive, draws our attention to our topics.
The conclusion that some draw here is: raw food is not healthy, or just not right for me.
To be honest, no!
The cooking is NOT BETTER! It simply stuns these feelings and then presents the bill to you in the form of degenerative diseases!
The raw food is not such a scam. It shows me immediately, the same day, what I ate, and how my body liked it. That's why raw food sometimes causes problems WHILE we eat it.
The 80-10-10 rules, omega fatty acid ratios, nightshade plants, supplements ... These are things that every human being, but especially those who are sensitive or those who have already been affected by a disease, should be aware of.
To call (omnivore) cooking "natural", ONLY because you do not have to know anything to incorporate it is just as wrong as if you thought you did not need to pay attention to a growing child or to know about driving rules drive. So intuitively is none of us anymore, that you get into enlightenment without worrying ...
The raw food lets your body be the friend who tells you when something is not right for him, and not someone who tacitly endures everything, but one day abandons you unexpectedly and disappears ...
So, if you think your job or your other interests are a good reason not to eat raw food and it's a good deal to eat unconsciosly, then you should ask yourself if you think, you really win time by hanging up reading, renouncing "painful" learning. Or is it rather, that you are giving it away, you waste more time in taking, yes, stealing credit from your body, which inevitably and often suddenly, perhaps just when you enjoy your "fortune" best, is reclaimed and the towers made of credit collapse.
Therefore, I would NEVER argue as some do: "Do not worry ever at all" ... This manslaughter argument that is supposed to drive away worries has NEVER satisfied me! And it is dangerous too! You can do that for a day or two, maybe three weeks. Maybe that's reasonable for such a short time, because you just want to ENJOY the experiment.
After that, you should have regained enough strength, and muster the energy, NOW to DO worry a bit and become the WARRIOR to delve into the reading. No, not just recipes and pies or how do I make raw meatballs.
Please also consider the raw food as a healing friend, which my body must first get to know, and which I can help, to develop its effect for me by paying attention to him ...
Therefore also scientific of researchers:
Avoiding Degenerative Disease - by Don Bennett, available at http://health101.org
Questions and Answers; What you know is not true - Don Bennett
On the mentioned website are numerous further research articles by him
The 80-10-10 Diet - Dr Douglas Graham Basic Literature! Should everyone have read ...
And, unfortunately, sometimes, sadly, less is more, because even in the raw food misinformation is circulating, for example, salt and spices and oils and onions are recommended, or lectins are considered safe, overly too many legumes are consumed, green only in being offered powder form, supplements are either condemned or overconsumed, etc.
There is a very important principle that I have recognized in terms of health. And that applies to TWO methods that people usually like to call "healthy."
(1) These are the principles of Natural Hygiene (read more at http://health101.org/nh) - which honestly only give the best to the body and cure it, even if they are not quick fixes.
(2) In the second category, all those things that are not good for a healthy body, but possibly craved for the soul or better, by the psyche, because the conflict is CURRENTLY mentally overwhelming. - I am NOT for prohibition for people to take these drugs, as I call them! Everyone has a right to numb themselves as they please if they need to. But please not in the name of "health". Let's not say that eating garlic is healthy because it kills bacteria, or salt, because it numbs the desire for minerals in the body. With this thinking we would soon be in the omnivorous cooking, because the palate pleasure thrills in many the feeling of just being "well nourished", but this can only apply to Eskimos and the like, and their average life span is not longer than 60 years.
Therefore, I count research and education as a natural need of a modern civilization (wo)man who wants to avert negative consequences of this civilization.
Distinguish wrong information or misinformation for the no-nonsense stuff:
I hear often people ask, BUT can a child be fed (raw) vegan?
How could a diet that harms an adult more than the vegan diet be expected of a baby or child? The problem is always disinformation and too little knowledge. The conventional diet is full of supplements, meat, dairy products, cereal products, etc. are mass-enriched with vitamins that we NEED. When people eat vegan and raw veggies, they use original products such as fruits and vegetables and still get too few vitamins (unfortunately our soils are leached and the food is not enough, and there are not enough vitamins in the conventional diet Food still many defects to fix). So MUST be supplemented, of course, also in children and babies! Then, a desirable 80-10-10 proportion of carbohydrates versus protein and fats should be taken into account, not too many legumes (lectins), few nightshades (like tomatoes, peppers) are consumed and it is very important to have an optimal Omega6 to Omega3 ratio respect, think highly of. Salt, most spices such as pepper, cayenne, chili, garlic, onions, salt, and oils can irritate the intestines and organs and cause disorders. If these things are not balanced, a (raw) vegan diet is problematic. Therefore, it is necessary to educate yourself about these things. It will also be increasingly important in the future that people learn to differentiate reliable information from misinformation. Especially in the face of glaring malnutrition in society, there are masses of misinformation and half information on the way to the right diet for you and your child.
So do your research! Don't believe everything that is printed somewhere!
Some people tell me, they have for example stopped eating too many tomatoes, but then picked up some information somewhere about how healthy tomatoes were! Right! Tomatoes are way healthier than any cooked thing or even not vegan thing, but they are less ideal than ripe, sweet fruit.
I always compare what I am reading or hearing with how my body exactly reacts and do never throw over board something just because someone says the opposite. Check sources, make a list of what makes information for you credible and do ask yourself why you made that specific list. Is it, because that is what appears convenient for you or is it because you heard your peers, family, collegues saying the same stuff, or else, is it because that is exactly how your body reacts?
Some of the information out there is valid from certain angles but not from all angles. What do you want to know? Why do you want to know that? If you agree with some information because you lack better, make a note (in your mind), that you still want to investigate further in the matter. Don't stop, just because what you have got is "better" than what you had before, go for the plain truth.
If you think that salt is "full of minerals", or that Himalayan salt is, check that again. Maybe there are some traces of minerals in salt, but research has shown that even Himalayan salt (that travelled all the way) is plain Natrium Chlorid and not much more. Maybe it is EVEN better than salt, to get your minerals from veggies and fruit or if you happen to need, the right supplements. In fact I can tell you that salt is a very bad way to get your minerals for several good reasons.
Further reading:
http://health101.org/blog.htm#meat "Do we need meat?"
http://health101.org/art_Better_Safe.htm "Better be safe than sorry"
http://health101.org/rv2.0 "RV
http://health101.org/products_supplements "Supplements"
http://health101.org/art_vitamins.htm "Vitamins"