HOMO INTIMAE and the members of belief
Graz, am 13.9.2015
"The fact that the Islamic State is phobic of the Islamic BELIEF is a good proof of the actual peaceful nature of those really IN PRACTICE.
whoever asked why the state does not ACT - because it's a STATE otherwise we would probably calling it an ACT." (auf Twitter am 10. September 2015)
The Islam, or better the Holy Quran has a lot of WORDS about SEX to say: it talks about INTIMACY. IS it
When I read the Quran, which has been written many decades ago, I can see nothing in it of the alleged accusations of the allegedly hater of the Islam, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who said, that according to our Western principles/traditions, the prophet would be a pedophile, for he has married a nine year old. (I will have to research the original comment.)
Ayaan Hirsi Ali said, for those who see here an affront against the belief in Islam, here something about Western principles/traditions.
First of all, dear believers of Islam, the fact that there are humans on Earth, who don't understand and have never read the Holy Quran, has nothing to do with them being barbaric, but rather that their education has missed out this teaching. So blame their teachers, their system, and yes, maybe blame those who have eradicated the Indian Culture in America, for those have had a strong system that integrated, if not genuinely contained all teachings of the complete Earth. Within them the links and connections and all the love between the Islamic and the Western culture.
But you do blame the US. Wait a minute, do the Indians not still live in the US? At least some of them. If you attack the US and hate on the whole country (or even the rest of the Earth beside you), we could say that you are attacking your own connection with Earth, even your own culture. So you really wanna be alone?
All alone with the ISLAM. - "Oh, I don't want nobody..."
You're hurt! The West, the economy, the political interdepencies with the oil and your leaders have started to influence, even change the MEANING of the Holy Quran, slightly or radically. That's uncomfortable, for all of you have had to start to THINK.
Think about the PAIN that the Western "stupidity" inplements upon your beliefs, and to THINK, which some of us have started, about the meaning of (our) BELIEF (systems). Lets suppose that you can grow and learn from Western thinking without having to let go of your values.
Its improbable that you would be ever happy if everyone was Islamic (if eveything was political, nothing would be political, the word would lose its meaning). You would have to drag the Holy
Prophet back to Earth to LIVE and to speak and write WORDS again to you, so you can CHILLOUT (relax a little). It's so nice to relax. We know.
Indeed. You've worked. You've produced, ... let me list the innumerous holy products and ideas you have brought to the WORLD. Maybe someone (a searching engine or a book?) can help me here. But maybe the Holy Prophet now WANTS you to THINK and speak for yourselves.
The Western astonishment about giving lectures about sex and imams talking about sex - isn't the Holy Quran a piece of Art?
(Here a part is missing because of publishing rights.)
The Western thinker is wanting to be alone WITH their heroes and is still alone with himself. The Islamic believer wants to be collectively alone with their prophet and both are alienated by anyone who threatens their CLINGING.
Back to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, she is a wonderful poet and a wonderful critic. Who ever said, that critic can ever be a THREAT to you? YOU KNOW WHO? From the hand of Joan K. Rowling? Maybe it was DESCARTES - with his "cogito ergo sum" - "I think and therefore I am".
He really lived in a hard century. Then, the powerful were so powerful as to tell the people that they had nothing to say. Nothing to say about society. So, maybe Descartes meant to say, I
TALK therefore I am. He actually SAID that: "I think and therefore I am, and when he was giving us that phrase, he was actually speaking and letting it go thus!" (Do we ever know
anything about what he really THOUGHT, and if yes, it was none of our business anyway.)
Whoever said, that we have to cling to his very phrase. I think the THEN POWERFUL let him go, and twohundred years later we still praise him as our saviour, not noticing that before him probably people ever have said or sadly enough even thought things.
AGNOSCO ERGO SUM - or I think and therefore I am the public onion :'(
What Descartes probably must have wanted was speaking words of mistrust towards to the powerful and to be acknowledged for that. (lat. recognoscendum for acknowledgement.) I think, therefore I am PUBLIC OPINION, would have been the correct completition of Descartes' ever so memorized sentence.
Public opinion is nothing but a cumulation of the thoughts of others. So if we think that we think, we can really hide away from the powerful but will definitely
never really be recognized by them, we will be memorized after we died, for if that's enough for you...
Know that you are in the age of the
Not rejecting INTIMACY is not rejecting your greatest power - also your political power.
Why would the politically powerful interested in cutting your imagination by projecting too much of the same onto your dreams? Has there really ever anything been said about
childhood, tears, laughter, humor, growing, old age, sex, technology, movement, freedom, borders ... life and death? It is and always have been my own choice to fill these
words with meaning. GO for it. Its your freedom. Its your life."Gate, gate", says the Buddha.