Some of the questions and some of my answers
Advisors and counselors should be perfectly well informed about other people and yet have no issues with duality themselves. Know who they are and what others are. Otherwise it's wise to chose different kinds of professions even if it means change. Don't use clients to only be able to cope with yourself. I will also not recommend anyone who is being zapped by their bad habits. Both is rude for someone who is sensitive and seeking help. So I am not a councellor at this stage of my life and I don't seek to be one. I am writing about my experience as authentic as I can be and I am not giving advice as I am not a health professional and so not trained in understanding your bodies, but I trained myself in understanding mine.
We may have multiple personalities as another said to me but we do have just one heart.
Don't look from outside. Truth is always on the inside whether it's you or another. Nothing separated there...
Yeah, dear women, who want my advice, yes I chose my SELF over any so called perfection and I am fine with that but I can't say whether you will be fine with that. I love you. Bye.
Please, I am not a facebook - councellor and I am neither trying to be one. I am maximum a writer not less and not more.
I am not responsible for answering any questions regarding my work to your sastisfaction. Bless you on your way-
Being brutal is not a way for doctors (with their sharp and chemical weapons) and counselors to avoid attachment. If you aren't able to meet your client as a friend who can come and go, you aren't ready either to teach nor to counsel. I will ever be grateful to those friends who have been my teachers and to those teachers who have been my friends and have never forgot about one or the other
I am thanking a so called autist sister. She makes me feel like what it must be for others to "belong" to have others that resemble them somehow to feel human. I am blessed. Thanking the Universe for sending me such messengers.
How to care for your health? I don't know. Just start. Thats all I can say.
The details... How we deal with relatives
I got vegetarian and my aunt with me decades ago, and now I eat raw and although she's very supportive at a certain point I would not want to hear her arguments for starchy, cooked meals that she
likes to enjoy, so I retreat for a while. But if people are supposed to walk together there will be a way so we'll find paths to each other that are solid but when the old ones crack down I find
it better to move away an not crack down with the outdated family structures.
Fat binging
Hi. Fat most usually is a response to too a lack of calories. We need to get used and even sense or specific caloric needs. I know that on 80-10-10 (approx two years now with breaks) I need to
spend a good part of my day onto getting that food into house and eat a whole lot of sweet fruit. Right now I feel happy and am little hungry but last week I ate a lot of fat stuff. At a point my
body wanted its fuel and it didn't matter where it came from. After high fat intake we can feel down or even depressed compared to the high that fruit gives us. So it's too likely that it'll be
harder and harder with every "junk" to find back the motivation to 80-10-10. Also, there is a time of detox which is hard for everyone to stand through... But it's very important not to get stuck
with insufficient quality food. More often than not raw fat was just a step away for me from processed, heated food. Why? The fat is so heavy and after a while I start to long for more balanced
food but my body is not ready for the fruit path. So it's each time another hard way back, and we need to be willing to take that effort if we don't want to fall of the "wagon" completely. Very
few make it long term on 80-10-10. We need to build our constantly changing and evolving new lifestyle around our body needs. And for me that involves a lot of effort sometimes but which is more
than dear to me.
Protein supplementing
Concentrated proteins damage - literally torture - the brain cells while giving you a flash energy like a drug. On the next day you will feel depleted and want more. Addiction and brain cell
damaging more likely than not will cause you wanting to leave the raw path, because your body gets sick while you're unhappy. The truth is, that the protein contained in your daily necessary
greens (salad, rocket) and fruit (banana has over 4% protein of its caloric value) is sufficient. I know this because I had been a professional athlete and was desperate about "My Proteins?!". I
learned it the hard way. I wish everyone would understand that we don't really need any different than basic plants, greens, dandalions found on your local meadow would completely suffice.
Which fruits should I eat when I have problems with organs
Hey I'd study what tcm writes about the organs and your specific thermo - symptoms and choose my fruits accordingly. For me the most wholesome food is organic unprocessed, even uncut local,
seasonal fresh fruits and veggies. I enjoy them most completely unchanged so they really tell me their "secrets" and I get the most out of them for my intuition. Best
How to heal my teeth
Avoid salt, spices, oil, vinegar altogether and leave your teeth "alone" they're very good caretakers of themselves just give them time. Ultimately they let you know where you're at with your goals.